Morgan Law has again delivered a fast-paced, suspenseful novel. Solid characterizations, well-written dialogue, and interesting plots are becoming staples for Law, and all three are apparent as her characters struggle to survive and adapt to a terrifying new reality. A Very Exclusive Vineyard smoothly walks between genres in a work that fans of suspense, horror, sci fi, and even romantic fiction should all find compelling.
"This story is dead on for readers who like thrillers. Law has served up a page-turning drama complete with two strong female characters pitted against some very, very bad guys, romantic subplots, and plenty of surprises. I bought the book and finished finished reading it in two sessions because I couldn't put it down, and then I was sorry that I had, because I liked the main characters so much. (I had a similar reaction to Law's first book, Gaea's Tears, and I wish she would publish a sequel.) If you like thrillers and spooky books, you will probably find this one to be a good read."
Horror, suspense, thriller, science fiction, romance
ISBN: 098361461X
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